Today is Mother's Day n is My Fren Ronny 20th Birthday...
Very pity cannot celebrate with mum...T.T
But i have post laju a card to Btu...
Hope my mum will very happy when she received it...XD
This morning, i woke up at 11am...
Then 1.30pm went to The Spring with Ah Pek n Penny...
We ate SugarBun AGAIN!!! Yum~~
Our favorite food~~
After we ate, we saw Yun, JingYi, SuLin n John...
They invited us go to KTV...
But we rejected it...XD
Then we went to DaKiong...
Bcoz Penny want to buy "something"...=X
Not need to mention too clearly...Later she will kill me...
Then we went to Unaco to buy SoyaBean...
Then we went back to Swinburne...
Then we slept...
Then we woke up...
Then we study a bit...
Then, we felt so hot...
Then we went to walk around the campus...
When we walk around the campus,
Suddenly we recall back b4...
Last sememster...
Ah pau, Ah Ming, Yun, Penny n Me...
We like to gather n walk around the campus after 12am...
We talk, we play, we laugh, we took video, we took pictures...
But now...
Ah pau them have moved out from hostel already...
We cant often play together...
Very yearn it...
Then around 8pm i went out with Ah Pek again...
He asked me go eat dinner with him...XD
I gave him a shirt n a card...
Bcoz we have been together 1 month soon...(So FAST!!!)
But i gave him the gift early...XP
Pink colour T-Shirt...WAo~~So big size...(He so fat)...XD
I Love U card...Made by me!! (Just colour is made by me)
He seems so happy n said the frogs in the card are very cute...
I was very happy bcoz he like it...XD
Then we went back to hostel after we ate...
That's all for today then...
P/s: Happy Mother's DAy n Happy Birthday to Ronny...
------The End------